Most recently amended: November 2024
Controller and contact details
HNC Group A/S
Borgergade 17
4241 Vemmelev
CVR-nr.: 2548 6064
2. Cookies
HNC Group uses cookies and other similar techniques to collect information about you and your device (such as phone or computer) when you visit our website.
For more information regarding HNC Group's use of cookies and a description of the current purposes your Personal Data may be used for, please view our cookie policy. The purposes for which we use cookies include:
2.1. Interactions
When you visit our websites, we may collect and process your Personal Data in order to better understand you as a customer and to personalize our interactions with you, for example to show you products and services we think you may like.
We look at your use of the website, for example where you have clicked, your visit frequency, time spent per visit etc.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include:
- IP-address
- Device id
- Country or region
- Post / zip code
- E-mail address
- First name
- Last name
- Company/organization name
- Job role
- Phone number
- Business sectors
- Areas of interest
- Document downloads, Video views, contact form submissions, page views, visit frequency etc.
- Original source ("referral") before visiting our websites, such as which e-mail link, website, social media post, advertisement clicks, etc. that led your visit to our website.
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest to better understand you as a customer and to personalize our interactions with you to show you relevant products and services, article 6.1 f) GDPR.
2.2. Communication with potential customers
When you have questions about our website, or want to hear more about our services, you can contact us via:
• Telephone
Through this, we will process your personal data so that we can enter into a dialogue with you, e.g. answer questions about our services. We only process the information that you give us in connection with our communication.
We will typically process the following general information:
- Name
- Telephone number
Our authority to process this personal data is the data protection regulation's article 6, paragraph 1 liter f.
We delete our communication with you when it is clear whether you want our services or not.
Should in a special case arise a need to store your personal data for a longer period of time, this could be the case.
3. Why do we collect and process your Personal Data
3.1. Answer your Questions and handle Feedback in general
Most of our websites, as well as our corporate pages in social media (such as Facebook), provide functionality for the visitor to communicate with us to ask questions and give feedback regarding our services and business. Where you use such functionality, HNC Group processes your Personal Data for the purposes of answering your questions and handle feedback from you. This may also include deletion of comments made on social media corporate pages and reporting to the social media network provider of un-appropriate comments. In addition, the data collected in this way will be compared with data that may be collected elsewhere by us if you have previously given us the corresponding consent, which you can withdraw at any time with effect for the future. To exercise the withdrawal, please contact the office mentioned at the end of this statement.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include (to the extent you choose to submit such information):
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Address
- Phone number
- Feedback and comments made by you
- Website source
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest to answer questions and handle feedback from you, article 6.1 f) GDPR.
3.2. Orders or complaints from you sent via e-mail, etc.
If you send an e-mail or facsimile to one of our employees, we will process your Personal Data provided to handle your request or order.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Address
- Phone number
- Other Personal Data provided by you
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest to answer requests and handle orders or complaints from you, article 6.1 f) GDPR.
3.3. Offer or an order related to our products and services
Where you provide us with a request for a quotation or an order, HNC Group will process your Personal Data for the purposes of managing the request or order.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Address
- Phone number
- Company/organization
- Organization number
- Invoice address
- Customer number
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary in order to perform a contract between you and HNC Group or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract, article 6.1 b) GDPR.
3.4. Job applications
We gladly accept job applications in order to assess whether they match an employment need in our company.
If you send us your job application, our authority to process your personal data is the data protection regulation's article 6, paragraph 1 liter f.
If you have sent an unsolicited application, we will immediately assess whether your application is relevant, and then delete your information again if there is no match.
If you have sent an application for an advertised job, we will dispose of your application in the event that you are not hired, and immediately after the right candidate has been found for the job.
If you are part of a recruitment process and/or hired for the job, we will give you separate information about how we process your personal data in this connection.
3.5. Data Privacy Request
Should you contact us to request one of the following data privacy actions (i) to be provided with a register extract, (ii) to restrict processing, (iii) to update, delete or transfer personal data, (iv) to object to personal data processing or to automated decision making, to (v) file a data privacy complaint, or to (vi) opt out of marketing communication, HNC Group will process your Personal Data for the purposes of managing the request.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Country
- Request details
- Other information as necessary for the purpose of handling and responding to your request.
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary for HNC Group’s compliance with legal obligations, article 6.1. c) GDPR.
3.6. Entering into an agreement with companies
Should the company you represent choose to enter into an agreement with HNC Group, we will process your Personal Data for the purposes of entering into and fulfilling the agreement.
Personal Data processed for these purposes include:
- First name
- Last name
- Orders, information, requests, notifications and complaints etc. by you
We would also process other data, not constituting your Personal Data, such as company e-mail address, company address, company phone number, company/organization, organization number, company invoice address, company customer number.
The legal basis for the above processing of your Personal Data is that the processing is necessary in order to perform a contract between you and HNC Group or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract, article 6.1 b) GDPR.
4. For how long do we keep your Personal Data
HNC Group will retain Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by local law to which HNC Group is subject. We are using the following criteria to establish our retention period: (i) as long as we have an ongoing relationship with you (either as an individual or in your capacity as employed by one of our corporate customers, suppliers or co-operations partners or media, or as an investor/owner, board member or analyst); (ii) as required by legal obligations to which HNC Group is subject (such as tax and accounting obligations); and (iii) as advisable in light of our legal position (such as applicable statutes of limitations).
5. Databehandlere
Få kan klare alt selv, og det samme gælder os. Vi har derfor samarbejdspartnere, samt benytter os af leverandører, hvoraf nogle kan være databehandlere.
Eksterne leverandører kan eksempelvis levere systemer til at organisere vores arbejde, services, rådgivning, IT-hosting eller markedsføring.
Det er vores ansvar at sikre, at dine personoplysninger behandles ordentligt. Derfor stiller vi høje krav til vores samarbejdspartnere, og vores partnere skal garantere, at dine personoplysninger er beskyttet.
Vi indgår derfor aftaler herom med virksomheder (databehandlere), der håndterer personoplysninger på vores vegne for at højne sikkerheden af dine personoplysninger.
5.1.Videregivelse af personoplysninger
Vi videregiver ikke dine personoplysninger til tredjemand.
5.2. Profilering og automatiserede afgørelser
Vi foretager ikke profilering eller automatiserede afgørelser.
5.3. Tredjelandeoverførsler
Vi benytter som udgangspunkt databehandlere i EU/EØS, eller som opbevarer data i EU/EØS.
I nogle tilfælde er dette ikke muligt, og her kan der benyttes databehandlere udenfor EU/EØS, hvis disse kan give dine personoplysninger en passende beskyttelse.
6. Behandlingssikkerhed
HNC Group A/S har gennemført passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger. Det sker for at sikre dig mod, at dine personoplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt tilintetgøres, fortabes, ændres, kommer til uvedkommende / tredjemands kendskab eller misbruges. Disse foranstaltninger revideres og justeres løbende – minimum en gang om året – for at sikre, at foranstaltningerne forbliver passende. HNC Group A/S pålægger databehandlere samme krav til sikkerhed i forbindelse med behandlingen af dine personoplysninger.
7. Rettigheder
7.1. De registreredes rettigheder
Du har efter databeskyttelsesforordningen en række rettigheder i forhold til vores behandling af oplysninger om dig.
Hvis du vil gøre brug af dine rettigheder, skal du kontakte os, så vi kan hjælpe dig med dette.
7.2.Ret til at se oplysninger (indsigtsret)
Du har ret til at få indsigt i de oplysninger, som vi behandler om dig, samt en række yderligere oplysninger.
7.3 Ret til berigtigelse (rettelse)
Du har ret til at få urigtige oplysninger om dig selv rettet.
7.4. Ret til sletning
I særlige tilfælde har du ret til at få slettet oplysninger om dig, inden tidspunktet for vores almindelige generelle sletning indtræffer.
7.5. Ret til begrænsning af behandling
Du har i visse tilfælde ret til at få behandlingen af dine personoplysninger begrænset. Hvis du har ret til at få begrænset behandlingen, må vi fremover kun behandle oplysningerne – bortset fra opbevaring – med dit samtykke, eller med henblik på at retskrav kan fastlægges, gøres gældende eller forsvares, eller for at beskytte en person eller vigtige samfundsinteresser.
7.6. Ret til indsigelse
Du har i visse tilfælde ret til at gøre indsigelse mod vores ellers lovlige behandling af dine personoplysninger. Du kan også gøre indsigelse mod behandling af dine oplysninger til direkte markedsføring.
7.7. Ret til at transmittere oplysninger (dataportabilitet)
Du har i visse tilfælde ret til at modtage dine personoplysninger i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt og maskinlæsbart format samt at få overført disse personoplysninger fra én dataansvarlig til en anden uden hindring.
Du kan læse mere om dine rettigheder i Datatilsynets vejledning om de registreredes rettigheder, som du finder på
7.8. Tilbagetrækning af samtykke
Når vores behandling af dine personoplysninger er baseret på dit samtykke, så har du ret til at trække dit samtykke tilbage.
7.9. Klage til Datatilsynet
Du har ret til at indgive en klage til Datatilsynet, hvis du er utilfreds med den måde, vi behandler dine personoplysninger på. Du finder Datatilsynets kontaktoplysninger på
Vi vil generelt opfordre dig til at læse mere om GDPR, så du er opdateret på reglerne.