Today persons and machinery in the automation- and process industry are facing greater and greater demands to flexibility.
Adaptation of the production equipment to every single company’s wishes and demands has been made possible by means of technology.
At HNC we procduce cylinders exactly matching your demands and machinery, seeing to your plants quickly can swift to new productions and thus always be abreast of the demands of the market.
Our product range enables both individually tailored products as well as standard solutions designed to the exact demands of the customer in order to avoid unnecessary expenses to oversized equipment.

Specially tailored solutions might be:
- Stroke
- Diameter
- Front- and rear caps
- Steel qualities
- Piston rod
- Spring and brake
- Chemical- and heat resistant
Standard as well as customer tailored solutions can be delivered within a very short time. Machinery breakdown is expensive, HNC’s delivery guarantee is your operating security.

We have our own smaller machine park with different types of CNC machines. With our current machinery, we can quickly produce many different items, both single pieces and series.
Regardless of whether you need a standard that we don't have in stock, or you need to have a special solution developed, we can deliver quickly.